ibd-aboutCreated with Sketch. Who we are

The IBDnet is a Swiss non-profit organisation led by medical specialists and scientists with emphasis in inflammatory bowel disease. As such, the IBDnet is a cooperation partner of the national society of gastroenterology, SGG.

The IBDnet pursues various goals, at the centre of which is the IBD patient.  Within the framework of its research activities, the IBDnet tries to better understand the causes, development and course of IBD, to research the influence of therapies on the course of the disease and the quality of life, in order to be able to ensure the best possible quality of care. Newly acquired knowledge is shared in medical training courses and expert recommendations are published.

Steering Committe


Our association was created in 2000 and continuously grew over the last 21 years. Today, we count 148 members, with a steering committee of 17 IBD specialists and an operational committee of 8 gastroenterologists being very active in the field of IBD.

In order to fulfil the scope of our organisation we aim at the following: 

  • Act as a communication platform for clinicians and research fellows with empasize in IBD
  • Plan, coordinate and publish scientific and clinical studies in the field of IBD
  • Ensure delivery of knowledge by organizing continuous medical education in IBD for experienced physicians, young fellows and IBD nurses
  • Comment on clinical relevance of new therapeutic options to advance standard of care in adult and pediatric patients
  • Appear as partner for media request
  • Act as partner for patient associations as well as pharmaceutical and life-science companies
  • Ensure alignement with the Swiss society of gastroenterology

Steering Committee

Our Steering Cmmittee is composed of representatives of university clinics, leading hospitals, office based clinicians and research fellows, which allows us to discuss scientific topics as well as clinical aspects using this large and diverse background.

The Steering Comittee is responsible for the strategic direction of IBDnet. The Executive Committee is part of the Steering Committee and in charge of the management and administration if IBDnet daily business. The Steering Committee is supported by the Committee's Office.

Steering Committee Meetings 2025
24 February 2025
18 August 2025
11 November 2025

General Assembly 2025
11 September 2025, 6:15pm 

Prof. Dr. Petr Hrúz (President)

Clarunis - Universitäres Bauchzentrum Basel
Leitender Arzt Gastroenterologie / Hepatologie

Phone: +41 (0)61 777 75 75
Mail: petr.hruz@usb.ch


PD Dr. med. Michel Maillard (Past-President)

Centre des maladies digestives Lausanne 
Gastro-Life SàRL

Spécialiste en gastroentérologie et hépatologie (CH)
Privat Docent et MER Clin à la Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine de Lausanne
Médecin agréé du département de Médecine interne du CHUV

Phone: +41 (0)21 512 41 20
Mail: michel.maillard@cmd-lausanne.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Alain Schoepfer (Secretary)

Responsable de la consultation ambulatoire 
FMH Médecine Interne
FMH Gastroentérologie et Hépatologie 
Service de gastro-entérologie et d'hépatologie

Phone: +41 (0)21 314 71 58
Mail: alain.schoepfer@chuv.ch


Dr. med. Michael Manz (Treasurer)

Clarunis – Universitäres Bauchzentrum Basel
Chefarzt Stv.
Facharzt FMH für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie

Phone: +41 (0)61 685 84 76
Mail: michael.manz@clarunis.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Luc Biedermann

UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
Leitender Arzt

Phone: +41 (0)44 255 11 11
Mail: luc.biedermann@usz.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Brand

Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie

Phone: +41 (0)71 494 30 40

Mail: stephan.brand@kssg.ch

Prof. Dr. med. Emanuel Burri

Kantonsspital Baselland
Chefarzt Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, Medizinische Universitätsklinik
Mitglied Leitungsgremium Zentrum Bauch, Stv. Leiter Darmkrebszentrum

Phone: +41 (0)61 925 23 58
Mail: emanuel.burri@ksbl.ch 

PD Dr. med. Pascal Juillerat

Centre Fribourgeois de Gastroentérologie
Spécialiste en gastroentérologie, MSc.

Phone: +41 (0)26 916 32 34

Mail: juilleratp@intesto.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Pierre Michetti

Gastroentérologie Beaulieu SA
Professeur associé de Gastro-entérologie et d’Hépatologie à la
Faculté de Biologie et Médecine de Lausanne

Phone: +41 (0)21 644 30 50
Mail: pierre.michetti@gesb.ch


PD Dr. med. Christian Mottet

Hôpital de Sion
FMH Médecine Interne & Gastroentérologie
Médecin-chef du service de Gastroentérologie

Phone: +41 (0)27 603 86 87
Mail: Christian.Mottet@hopitalvs.ch


PD Dr. Valérie Pittet

Center For Primary Care & Public Health - UNIL (Unisanté)
Head of the research group

Phone: +41 (0)21 314 60 60
Mail: valerie.pittet@unisante.ch


PD Dr. med. Sophie Restellini

Hôpital de La Tour
Director of the Center for Crohn’s and Colitis, Gastroenterology Department

Phone: +41 (0) 22 719 79 14
Mail: secretariat.restellini@latour.ch

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Gerhard Rogler

UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie

Phone: +41 (0)44 255 24 01
Mail: gerhard.rogler@usz.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Sauter

GastroZentrum Hirslanden
Facharzt FMH Innere Medizin, spez. Gastroenterologie

Phone: +41 (0)44 387 39 55
Mail: bernhard.sauter@gastrozentrum.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold

Gastroenterologische Praxis & Crohn-Colitis-Zentrum Bern

Prof. Dr. med. Facharzt FMH Gastroenterologie und Innere Medizin

Phone (Office): +41 (0)31 302 32 34
Mail: frank.seibold@magendarmsuisse.ch


PD Dr. med. Christiane Sokollik

Inselspital, Universität Bern
Universitätsklinik für Kinderheilkunde 
Leitende Ärztin

Phone: +41 (0)31 664 10 80
Mail: Christiane.Sokollik@insel.ch


Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Vavricka

Zentrum für Gastroenterologie + Hepatologie AG
Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie FMH
Spez. Hepatologie

Phone: +41 (0)44 500 39 00
Mail: stephan.vavricka@hin.ch


We invite all phyisicans interested in IBD or wanting to support our work to become an IBDnet member. Annual membership fee can be paid on an annual basis or on a triennial basis (one year: CHF 30, three years: CHF 60). You stay IBDnet member until you decide to cancel your membership.

Benefits for IBDnet members:

  • Access to the general assembly: Participation at the general assembly allows you to play an active role in deciding about the future research focus and planning of educational projects of the IBDnet
  • Access to the IBDnet Slide Library: As IBDnet member you are entiteled to have acces to our extensive slide library from past medical educational events
  • Preferential participation fees at IBDnet educational events


Postal Address & Contact
8000 Zürich

Committees Office
Centerview GmbH
Dr. Nadine Zahnd-Straumann
Scheuchzerstrasse 35
8006 Zürich

Account Information
IBAN: CH40 0900 0000 8544 3168 6
Swiss Post - PostFinance
Nordring 8
3030 Bern

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